
Eno Inyangete is a Tanzanian and Nigerian photographer based in Berlin and available worldwide. 

"One of the first things you’ll notice upon entering my childhood home are the photographs. From the stunning portraits of my parents on their wedding day to the awkward passport  photos of my sister and I, there are images everywhere. I have particularly fond memories of the beautiful cabinet in our living room, so full of photographs you could barely keep it shut. I cherish the hours I would spend pouring over the images and listening to my parents’ stories as the memories came flooding back. From a young age I learned to value images, not just as memories but as archives. Proof of existence. 

My work serves as an archive of all that exists in my world. From portraits of loved ones and strangers alike, to patterns of light on the street, to a campaign in response to the murder of Michael Brown Jr., I aim to shed light on the people, places and narratives that often go unnoticed."

enoinyangete@gmail.com     IG: @enoinyangete

Photo by Sissi Lu

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